Monday, February 28, 2011

More Like DongHorns

Texas is simply the best of the best.  They have so much skill, so much talent at every position, that they blow my mind.  Unbelievable, baby!  6 losses?  Meaningless, they're too good!  They've got shooting.  They've got rebounding.  They've got youth and experience.  Their ball handling is beyond reproach.  Back-to-back stinkers?  You're making my point for me.  They're awesome!  They are so freakin' good that the team has already been elected to the hall of fame.  If they do not get a #1 seed, it will be crime against humanity!  If they are not unanimously selected as the overall #1 then I'm sure that Hitler has made a deal with Judas to steal it from them.  I become fully engorged watching them inbound the ball.  My idea of heaven is being the guy that washes Jordan Hamilton's jock.  If somehow their throne as basketball's kings is unjustly usurped, it will convince me absolutely that there is no god.  In fact, if they are not given a 1st round bye in the tournament, we should take up in armed rebellion.  We should tear down the hypocrisy that this country has become.  Texas is the best.  Nothing that happens, no number of "losses" by no amount of "points" can change that.  Stop the madness and believe it.

I think oompa-loompas are sexy because their skin is Texas orange!
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